FEEED’s intervention strategies people living with HIV and AIDS, include advocating for and mainstreaming  forming networks and  lobbying  for proactive policies that protect their rights. FEEEDS has collaborative approach with the governments in achieving the goal of universal access to HIV prevention, treatment, care and support; and building local capacities of communities and local government agencies.Our long history of working Government agencies on health and social welfare is a big strength to lobby and get schemes to the people

Feeed india NGO


FEEED pledges to fight HIV/AIDS by spending more time and resources and to ensure their right to live. It also takes all out efforts for their social inclusion in their living environment which stigmatizes and abandons them.


FEEEDS EDUCATES those affected by HIV/AIDS on high-risk  behaviour and advocates safe sex which will  prevent further spread  of HIV / AIDS.

ORIENTS adolescent and young men and women who are at high risk on how the disease is transmitted and on preventive methods

EXTENDS medical help,care and support to those affected by,trying out proven methods that will work out more cost-effective.

BUILT an orphanage in 2015 to house a number of the HIV infected and affected children  who are struggling to live a normal life.

TAKES all out efforts to protect and integrate the Children with HIV/AIDS with other school children and educate them.

ORGANISES regular counseling sessions for HIV affected and awareness program for the young, the women of reproductive age, intravenous drug users on the causes and preventive measures of this dreaded disease has been very successful.

CAMPAIGNs against stigma associated with the condition.

Feeed india NGO