About Feeed Trust


To bring about a just world in which the under privileged have the right to survival, education, protection, development, participation and empowerment.


To reinstate human dignity of the less privileged section of the society by facilitating the development and empowerment process by strategic planning and collaborating to support and advocate their rights thereby making the world a conducive place to live-in.

Primary Focus​

Our primary focus is to assist those from socially excluded communities such as  scheduled castes and tribes and HIV infected and affected and enable them lead a life with dignity and healthy as any other citizen of India.

Our Objectives

  • To eradicate extreme poverty  and hunger  and work towards achieving obtaining Sustainable Developemnt Goals   
  • To enable the vulnerable communities like Dalits and Tribals lead a life with dignity.
  • To combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases and provide economic,social security particularly to the elderly and children affected with HIV.
  • Empowering women to become self-reliant and self-sufficient and to promote gender equality.
  • To achieve universal primary education by undertaking  initiatives to educate the children from marginal communities
  • To  Provide training and reasonable financial help to promote small businesses in certain meet.
  • Assist with food and shelter in times of natural disasters, catastrophes, pandemics and other eventualities that affect human kind unexpectedly.
  • Helping in educating children affected by diseases such as HIV and other infectious diseases
  • To encourage healthcare development and promote a healthy environment.
  • To empowering the community to  fight against epidemic and pandemic like Covid 19 (CoronaVirus), by organising camps, raising awareness and
  • To encourage and popularize voluntary work, including community care  support , community development and public health services.
  • To establish homes for the elderly and neglected people of our society.
  • To render material relief to the needy and be instrumental in distributing clothes and food for those in dire need.